Click here for all Rookie articles by Danielle Henderson

Rookie is a magazine for teenage girls where I write about skipping school, how to tell your family you do not want to go to college, and killing your inner critic among other things. I wrote for the magazine for a year and half before joining the team as an editor. 

Some of my essays:  


​Image by Cynthia MerhejCutting the Ties That Bind

​Image by Cynthia Merhej

Cutting the Ties That Bind

​Image by MarjainezGive Up Giving Up

​Image by Marjainez

Give Up Giving Up

​Image by Cynthia MerhejThe Power of Negative Thinking

​Image by Cynthia Merhej

The Power of Negative Thinking

Image by Ruby AitkenBack to Reality​

Image by Ruby Aitken

Back to Reality