ACADEMIC: Read/watch all MLK speeches
ACADEMIC: Choose a graduate school
ACADEMIC: Handwritten thank you notes to my favorite professors by May 1
ACADEMIC: Write a letter to Cory Booker
ACADEMIC: Get P.A.G.E. up and running
ACADEMIC: Elect P.A.G.E. staff for next year
ACADEMIC: Practice being better at math
ACADEMIC: Finish Humanity in Action grant application
ACADEMIC: Celebrate graduation (party at home? Gathering at bar?)
CRAFT: Make one amigurumi toy
CRAFT: Knit 6 sweaters
CRAFT: Make the long striped armwarmers
CRAFT: Make 10 items from my “Make This Make That” blog
CRAFT: Make one dress pattern from scratch
CRAFT: Go to studio and make 3 new screenprints
CRAFT: My Favorite Messages craft project
CRAFT: Finish sunflower crochet blanket
CRAFT: Make a necklace from the Annie’s logo for Helen
CRAFT: Knit a pair of socks (Jaywalker)
CRAFT: Practice the Norwegian purl
CRAFT: One trip to WEBS
FINANCES: Crush this debt a little; increase monthly payments by $50 each
FINANCES: Donate to a charity that supports education access/education rights
HEALTH: Buy prescription sunglasses
HEALTH: Carry water bottle everywhere
HEALTH: Walk everywhere
HEALTH: Try Couch to 5K
HEALTH: Try 10 new recipes
HEALTH: Try Meatless Mondays
LIFE LIST: Record 10 favorite sounds
LIFE LIST: Memorize one Shakespearean soliloquy
LIFE LIST: Organize a night game of hide-n-seek
LIFE LIST: Take a letterpress class
LIFE LIST: Truly learn how to use my DSLR
LIFE LIST: Photograph 50 purple things
LIFE LIST: Send each friend a handwritten note
LIFE LIST: Stop buying bottled water
LIFE LIST: Learn the Negro National Anthem
LIFE LIST: Create a list of 100 must-read books
LIFE LIST: Sit in the conductor car of the N train as it rises from the tunnel into Queens
LOVE: Have a weekend getaway with Seth
LOVE: Take a vacation with Seth (sun, books, or sun and books)
LOVE: Spend a night at the Mill Street Inn
LOVE: Give Seth a really thoughtful birthday gift
ORGANIZING: Get rid of 40% of stuff and repack everything that’s left for storage
ORGANIZING: Move photos from Flickr to blog
ORGANIZING: Scan all of the pictures I stole from Grandma’s house; return
ORGANIZING: Monthly Uberlist updates on the blog
ORGANIZING: Get tire fixed on 3-speed bike
ORGANIZING: Sell/pass on my GRE books
ORGANIZING: Clean out my Read It file by January 15
ORGANIZING: Label all of the photo folders/photos on external hard drive
READ: Half the Sky
READ: Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes
READ: Autobiography of Mark Twain
READ: Just Kids
READ: I Love You and I’m Leaving You Anyway
READ: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
READ: The Ask
RESTRUCTURING: Buy iPhone battery back-up
RESTRUCTURING: Eliminate soda entirely
RESTRUCTURING: Cut back on sugar
RESTRUCTURING: Time management!
RESTRUCTURING: Learn how to go to sleep LIKE AN ADULT
RESTRUCTURING: Stop dressing like a teenage boy
a. Find true body shape
b. Buy structural underwear (corset, new bras)
c. Figure out what flatters my shape
d. Buy/make classic items: wrap dress
e. Buy/make classic items: flat-soled boots
f. Buy/make classic items: cocktail/party dress
h. Buy/make classic items: daytime dress
TRAVEL: Leave the country (vacation or school or permanent)
TRAVEL: See friends in NYC at least twice before August
TRY: Record 10 stories, post to blog
TRY: Take a self-defense course
TRY: Internet moratorium on reading things/people I don’t like
TRY: 30-Day Shred
TRY: Start a “What Did You Make Today” calendar
TRY: Finish a crossword without looking at the answers
TRY: Get through graduation without crying
TRY: Challenge someone to a game of HORSE
TRY: Bake a loaf of bread
TRY: Figure out a workable hair routine
TRY: To make my own sea salt caramels
TRY: Taking more pictures when I hang out with friends
WHIMSY: Print 100 photos
WHIMSY: Learn 5 phrases in sign language
WHIMSY: Film one “A Day in the Life” video
WHIMSY: Get a massage
WHIMSY: Transfer some slides to digital
WHIMSY: The Cookbook Project for Marianne’s birthday
WHIMSY: Throw a big party
WHIMSY: How many reps can I do on a speedbag?
WHIMSY: Get a pedicure
WHIMSY: Record and post 10 videos to website
WHIMSY: Discover 10 new bands
WHIMSY: Finish main page on website
WHIMSY: Spend a day with Alexis
WHIMSY: Invite friends over to bake cookies
WHIMSY: Dance in a pit at a concert
WHIMSY: Buy those goddamn boots you’ve been eyeing for two years
WHIMSY: Spend a day in bed with a good book and a stack of magazines
WHIMSY: Finally watch “Breaking Bad”
WHIMSY: Mail Alexis’ birthday present before January 10
WRITING: Ask Sarah J. about reading at the MOTH
WRITING: Send letters to Sophie in Switzerland
WRITING: Write for 1-hour a day, 5 days a week
WRITING: Get an agent
WRITING: Write a spec script
WRITING: Submit a piece to a place that scares you